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A man, allegedly the son of a mafia boss, was shot dead during celebrations after Napoli became champions in Italy's Serie A after 33 years.

Vincenzo Costanzo, 26, who was known to police and had a "significant" criminal record, was shot during street parties. According to police, Costanzo died in hospital from his gunshot wounds. Three other people were injured in the incident.

More than 100 people were hospitalized after being injured by fireworks, brawls and stabbings during the championship celebrations.

A 20-year-old woman hit by a car during the celebrations in Frattamaggiore in Naples is in a critical condition. Three police officers were also slightly injured in the incidents.

"Nothing to do with the celebrations"
Costanzo was the son of Maurizio Costanzo, described in Ponticelli as a leading member of the Neapolitan mafia.

Prosecutors and police in Naples are investigating whether Costanzo was deliberately killed or accidentally shot by a rival group.

Naples Governor Claudio Palomba said the murder was not linked to the celebrations. Naples Mayor Gaetano Manfredi said, "This death has nothing to do with the celebrations. It was probably a showdown that took advantage of the celebrations."

"Shooting in the air is normal"
In many cities in southern Italy, people are known to celebrate by firing into the air.

Tens of thousands of fans of Napoli, who secured the title with a 1-1 draw with Udinese, reveled in the streets throughout the night.

Many waved flags with the picture of Diego Maradona, who was Napoli's star player when the last title was won in 1990.

"Napoli, in heaven"
This success of Napoli, which declared its championship 16 points ahead of its closest follower Lazio, made its fans rejoice and was widely covered in the media.

Corriere dello Sport, "Napoli Champion. Kneel in front of him", it was stated that the championship that came after 33 years was unprecedented and that Napoli won a unique championship by making itself unattainable.

La Gazzetta dello Sport announced the blue-white team's Serie A championship with the headline "Napoli in paradise". It was stated that Napoli reached a happy ending after 33 years of waiting, but this wait was prolonged a bit with the loss of points in the last weeks.

History of the championship
Napoli, which went into a significant decline after the years when Argentine legend Diego Armando Maradona played for the club and was relegated to the third division after going bankrupt in 2004, rose from the ashes when Italian film producer Aurelio De Laurentiis bought the club.

Having restored financial and sporting stability in a short time, Napoli managed to return to Serie A within 3 years after being relegated. It didn't take long for the Southern Italian team to push for the top spot in Serie A and become one of the championship candidates.

Having finished second in Serie A in the 2012-2013, 2015-2016, 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 seasons, and third in the 2010-2011, 2013-2014, 2016-2017 and 2021-2022 seasons, Napoli reached the championship they were waiting for in the 2022-2023 season.

Editor: David Goodman