Mysterious Phenomenon Discovered Below the Sea

By Will Dunham (Reuters) – Scientists have made a significant discovery using an observatory stationed deep beneath the Mediterranean Sea near Sicily. They have detected a mysterious subatomic particle known as a neutrino, which possesses an unprecedented level of energy. This finding represents a crucial advancement in unraveling some of the universe’s most violent events.

The team of researchers, part of the KM3NeT (Cubic Kilometre Neutrino Telescope) Collaboration, believes that the neutrino originated from outside the Milky Way galaxy. They have identified 12 supermassive black holes at the core of distant galaxies, actively consuming surrounding material, as potential sources of this neutrino. However, it is also plausible that the neutrino may have come from a different cosmic origin.

KM3NeT consists of two sizeable neutrino detectors located at the depths of the Mediterranean Sea. One, named ARCA, lies 3,450 meters (2.1 miles) deep near Sicily and is designed to detect high-energy neutrinos. The other, called ORCA, is situated 2,450 meters (1.5 miles) deep near Provence, France, and is tailored to identify low-energy neutrinos.

The recently discovered “ultra-high energy” neutrino, detected by ARCA in February 2023, was recorded at approximately 120 quadrillion electronvolts, a measure of energy. This neutrino exhibited energy levels 30 times greater than any previously observed neutrino. It surpassed particles of light known as photons by a quadrillion times in energy and exceeded the energy of particles generated by the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider near Geneva, by 10,000 times.

“The energy of this neutrino is truly exceptional,” remarked physicist Paschal Coyle from the Marseille Particle Physics Centre (CPPM) in France, one of the leading investigators of the research published in the journal Nature on Wednesday.

Neutrinos provide scientists with an alternative means to explore the cosmos that does not rely on electromagnetic radiation, such as light. Many mysteries of the universe remain inaccessible through light alone. Neutrinos possess unique qualities – they are electrically neutral, impervious to strong magnetic fields, and rarely interact with matter as they traverse space.

According to physicist Aart Heijboer of the Nikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics in the Netherlands, another researcher involved in the study, neutrinos are essential for gaining a comprehensive understanding of the universe. These elusive particles, often referred to as “cosmic messengers,” can be traced back to their source, enabling scientists to learn about some of the most energetic processes in the cosmos.

Unlike other high-energy cosmic messengers that can deviate from their paths due to magnetic fields, neutrinos maintain their trajectory. Detecting neutrinos is a complex process that requires large observatories positioned deep underwater or within ice. These

The detector had traveled approximately 140 km (87 miles) through rock and seawater before reaching its destination. The KM3NeT detectors are currently being constructed and have not yet reached their full potential. Neutrinos are generated by various astrophysical phenomena at different energy levels. For example, low-energy neutrinos originate from nuclear fusion processes within stars, while high-energy neutrinos result from particle collisions in violent cosmic events like a black hole consuming matter or gamma ray bursts during a star’s explosive demise. Additionally, high-energy cosmic rays interacting with the universe’s background radiation can also produce neutrinos. The study of neutrinos is still in its early stages. “So why is it important? Essentially, we are trying to comprehend what is happening in the universe,” stated Heijboer. (Reporting by Will Dunham in Washington; Editing by Daniel Wallis)


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