Title: Mufasa Roars to Victory at Box Office Over Holiday Weekend
In a surprising turn of events, Mufasa: The Lion King emerged victorious at the box office over the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday weekend, surpassing early estimates and securing a last-minute win. Despite facing stiff competition from “One of Them Days,” Mufasa defied expectations by raking in an additional $3.8 million on the holiday Monday, bringing its estimated domestic gross to a notable $15.5 million for the extended weekend.
Directed by the talented Barry Jenkins, the live-action prequel captivated audiences with its mesmerizing portrayal of the beloved character Mufasa’s origin story. Drawing upon the enduring popularity of the original 1994 animated classic “The Lion King,” which featured an all-star cast including Whoopi Goldberg, Matthew Broderick, and the iconic James Earl Jones, Mufasa tapped into a nostalgia that resonated with fans of all ages. Building on the success of the 2019 remake helmed by Jon Favreau and featuring the voices of Beyoncé, Donald Glover, and Seth Rogen, Mufasa continued to captivate audiences worldwide.
With a stellar voice cast including Keith David, Thandiwe Newton, Mads Mikkelsen, and Anika Noni Rose, Mufasa enchanted viewers and critics alike, propelling its global box office earnings to an impressive $588 million. Now in its fifth weekend, the film continues to draw in audiences with its compelling storytelling and stunning visuals, cementing its status as a cinematic triumph.
Meanwhile, “One of Them Days,” led by the dynamic duo of Keke Palmer and SZA, put up a commendable fight at the box office, amassing an estimated total of $14.23 million during its debut weekend. Despite falling short of the top spot, the comedy showcased the talents of its stars and resonated with audiences seeking lighthearted entertainment during the holiday weekend.
In third place, the Blumhouse reimagining of the classic horror monster “Wolf Man,” starring Julia Garner and Christopher Abbott, garnered $12.5 million in ticket sales, captivating audiences with its fresh take on a timeless tale of terror. The film’s success underscores the enduring appeal of horror cinema and the audience’s appetite for innovative storytelling in the genre.
Further down the rankings, two animated family films held their ground despite weeks in theaters. “Sonic the Hedgehog 3,” featuring the voices of Jim Carrey and Keanu Reeves, continued to delight audiences with its high-octane adventure, adding another $11 million to its global earnings, which now stand at an impressive $218.9 million. Meanwhile, “Moana 2,” a sequel to the beloved original, voiced by AuliÊ»i Cravalho and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, brought in $8.1 million, further solidifying its status as a favorite among fans of Disney’s