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The balance sheet of Hurricane Otis, which hit Acapulco in the Mexican state of Guerrero at category 5 on Wednesday, is rising.

Mexican Security Minister Rosa Icela Rodriguez announced today that the number of people who died due to flooding caused by the hurricane has risen to 39 and the number of people who disappeared in the flood waters has risen to 10. The identities of the dead have not yet been released.

So far, 8,170 food and 16,80 liters of water have been delivered to the flood-hit areas.

Against the risk of looting, 14,700 soldiers, 2,300 national security officers and 1,300 naval officers were deployed in the region.

Insurance companies have announced that they will pay 40 percent of the losses of insured people affected by the hurricane. In addition, children with cancer who were hospitalized in the oncology ward of the damaged hospitals were transferred to Mexico City in order not to interrupt their treatment.

The South American country of Honduras sent its experts to Mexico for hurricane and disaster relief.

Editor: David Goodman