“Mongoose” destroyed after poisonous snake removal “Mongoose” destroyed after poisonous snake removal

The indictment presented to a grand jury in Manhattan charged Senator Menendez with "accepting bribes on behalf of a foreign government and acting on behalf of the foreign government's interests."

The superseding indictment, which supersedes the previous charges, states that Menendez "provided sensitive U.S. government information to the Egyptian government and took other steps to secretly assist it."

The trial of Menendez in the case filed in New York District Federal Court will begin in May 2024.

Menendez's influence on official aid to Egypt was included in the first indictment

Bob Menendez was charged in a 39-page indictment filed on September 22nd in the Federal District Court for the Southern District of New York with bribery with his wife, Nadine (Arslanian) Menendez.

In addition to the gold bars and hidden cash found during a search of his home, the indictment highlighted Menendez's influence on official aid to Egypt, especially during his tenure as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which has a say in military aid to foreign countries in Congress, and his ties to Egyptian-origin businesspeople and companies in New Jersey.

Menendez, who was forced to resign as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee the day after the indictments, resisted pressure from his party and the public, stating that he would not resign from his seat in Congress.

Editor: David Goodman