Master the Art of Decluttering Clothes with 3 Simple Steps!

When it comes to decluttering clothes, the decisions can be overwhelming. Deciding what to keep, toss, donate, or sell requires careful consideration. To tackle this task effectively, it is essential to start with a strategy that you can stick to. Here is a three-part plan to make the process of decluttering clothes more manageable.

1. Come Up with a Game Plan
Getting started with decluttering can be challenging, but staying motivated throughout the process is crucial. The key is to create a game plan and schedule that is achievable for you. Your available time will significantly influence the shape of your strategy. For instance, if you have a full day to dedicate to decluttering clothes, you might allocate the morning to organizing your closet and the afternoon to sorting through your dresser drawers. Alternatively, you could choose to focus on specific categories of clothing each week, such as shoes one week and outerwear the next.

For individuals who rotate their closets seasonally, it may be beneficial to declutter each season’s clothing before storing it away. This approach can help make the project more manageable and prevent you from holding onto items you no longer need. Regardless of the strategy you opt for, it’s crucial to find a path that works for you to ensure long-term success.

2. Take Inventory
After establishing your strategy, the next step is to take action. Create three piles labeled ‘yes,’ ‘maybe,’ and ‘no’ in a space where you have ample room to organize. To determine which items belong in the ‘no’ pile, consider applying the 90/90 decluttering rule. This rule involves asking yourself whether you have used the item in the past 90 days and if you anticipate using it in the next 90 days. If the answer to both questions is no, the item should be placed in the donate or toss pile.

Items that make you feel uncomfortable, unnecessary duplicates, damaged items beyond repair, or pieces you wish to replace can also be designated for the ‘no’ pile. Items you are unsure about can be placed in the ‘maybe’ pile for later reassessment.

3. Make Sense of What Stays and What Goes
During the decluttering process, it is common to feel overwhelmed by the chaos of clothing strewn across the floor and hangers covering surfaces. When this feeling sets in, take a moment to regain composure as you are nearing the end of the task. It is time to leverage your organizational skills by returning all clothing to closets and drawers in an orderly fashion. Consider how you utilize your storage spaces, the most effective organizational tools to enhance functionality, and ensure visibility for easy inventory management going forward.

Lastly, evaluate the items you are removing from your wardrobe and decide their fate. Determine which items will be donated, tossed, or sold, and take immediate action. Avoid leaving donation piles lingering in your closet for extended periods. Instead, promptly remove them from your home, and initiate the selling process for other

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