
Madonna: Nothing can stop me!


Madonna, who was found unconscious in her hotel room in June and treated for a serious bacterial infection in intensive care, talked about the days she came back from the dead.

The "Queen of Pop", who is currently giving a concert within the scope of her world tour, told what she felt at that time on stage.


Madonna said, "Going on stage every night is not so hard for me physically. Emotionally it's more difficult because I'm telling you the story of my life, I'm opening my heart to you. I've fallen many times and I've been hurt, but nothing can stop me." After 4 days in a coma, Madonna woke up and her first word was "No". The singer said, "God told me, 'Do you want to come? Do you want to be with me?'" she said.

Stating that her energy was very low after leaving intensive care and that she called her doctor every day, the singer said, "When will I feel like myself? Will I be able to go on tour again? My doctor said, 'Go out in the sun. It was very difficult to go out of the house to the garden and sit in the sun. I know it sounds ridiculous, but it was very difficult. It was very strange to know that I was no longer in control. I learned a lesson from this...It is necessary to let everything go with the flow."


On the other hand, Madonna, who made a name for herself with her live performances and stage shows, had an accident on stage.  The moments when the singer, who gave a concert in Seattle, USA, fell on the stage became a hot topic on social media in a short time.