
Macron commemorates civilian victims of the D-Day bombings ahead of the anniversary!

As world leaders convened to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day, French President Emmanuel Macron recalled the numerous civilian casualties resulting from Allied bombing raids on that day and in the subsequent months of the Battle of Normandy.


On 6 June 1944, the Allied forces suffered a significant loss of life on the beaches of Normandy. However, it is important to note that French civilians also perished during this period. The number of civilians killed in Normandy since the Allies assumed control of the area is estimated to range between 13,000 and 20,000.

In Saint-Lo, a city that had been largely destroyed, Macron stated: "Eighty years later, it is incumbent upon the nation to acknowledge the civilian victims of Allied bombing in Normandy and elsewhere on our soil in a clear and forceful manner. It is imperative that this memory be brought to full light. The Allied bombings.

"It is important to be transparent and clear in one's statements, without resorting to confusion." "The inhabitants of Saint-Lo have never mixed hatred or resentment in their sorrow," he said.

Saint-Lo was the target of Allied bombing because it was an important transportation hub, and the Allies sought to prevent Germany from utilising it to advance against Allied troops.

"Saint-Lo is a martyr city, sacrificed for the freedom of France," Macron stated.

Among those who attended the event was 87-year-old Michel Finck from Saint-Lo.

In an interview with Reuters prior to the commencement of his address, he was observed to be visibly emotional as he reflected on the events of D-Day.

Mr. Finck stated, "Our residence was extensively damaged." The majority of families residing on our street were similarly affected. The family's transportation business was also destroyed, and the family relocated to Cherbourg (a town 80 km away).

He embarked on the journey on foot with his brother. At one juncture, German soldiers facilitated their crossing of a bridge.

"There were planes and bombs... it's not something you forget easily," she told Reuters, becoming visibly emotional. The family survived the ordeal and subsequently returned to Saint-Lo to resume their lives.