Labrador’s Impressive Singing Steals the Spotlight at Opera Rehearsal

Much has been discussed about dogs having favorite movies or TV shows they enjoy watching, but what about music preferences? Do dogs have a preferred genre to listen to or even sing along with? Well, it seems that this adorable and talented Labrador does. Watch the amusing video showcasing this gifted canine crashing an opera rehearsal and outshining everyone with his remarkable singing skills.
In the video, the lovable canine simply wanted to join in the performance. The human performers in the clip clearly appreciate his singing, with one woman enthusiastically cheering him on and praising his “good singing.” The Labrador’s wagging tail reveals his excitement and enjoyment of the moment.
Many viewers on the internet found the Labrador’s pitch to be impeccable, even dubbing him “Luciano PAWvaroti.” This dog possesses both talent and cuteness, capturing the hearts of many.
Do dogs really enjoy music? In 2010, artist Laurie Anderson held a concert specifically for dogs in Sydney, Australia, which later took place in New York City and on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.” Dogs at these events reportedly had positive reactions to the music.
A study conducted in an animal shelter showed that dogs had varied responses to different music genres. While classical music elicited a calming effect, heavy metal music led to agitation and barking. This Labrador’s fondness for opera music aligns with these findings.
In conclusion, the Labrador’s evident enjoyment of opera music supports the notion that music can influence dogs’ emotions. This good boy’s perfect pitch and enthusiasm for music make him a true standout. Stay updated with PetHelpful by following our YouTube channel for more entertaining videos, share your pet’s adorable moments with us, and subscribe to our newsletter for the latest pet tips and updates.


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