
Interesting ban on Tom Cruise!


Bugatti has certain rules and regulations for its customers. In addition to additional costs such as annual maintenance and tire changes, their vehicles require meticulous care.

However, the reason for Cruise's Bugatti ban is based on a minor incident in 2006, rather than technical details.

A door-opening problem at the premiere of Mission Impossible 3, which Cruise attended with his then-wife Katie Holmes, led the brand to impose a ban against him.

The actor's struggles were deemed too embarrassing by the supercar brand to be allowed to happen again and he was banned from buying Bugatti vehicles. 

Apart from Cruise, who we won't see driving his old favorite car, there are other celebrities who have faced similar bans. 

Boxer Floyd Mayweather, singer Flo Rida, producer Simon Cowell and even Formula 1 driver Jenson Button are banned from buying Bugatti cars.