Intensified ICE Raids Cause Panic in School Communities

In the past, federal immigration authorities typically refrained from carrying out enforcement operations near designated “sensitive” areas, such as schools and churches. However, President Trump overturned this long-standing practice upon assuming office, instructing agents to exercise discretion in making arrests as needed. A federal judge recently halted immigration activities near certain churches, and Denver Public Schools sought a similar injunction to prevent enforcement actions near educational facilities, bus stops, and other areas where students congregate.

In a recent incident near a school in Denver, ICE raids instilled fear among students, leading to absences and disruptions in transportation services. Superintendent Alex Marrero reported that federal agents detained the parents of two students, prompting the school district to arrange for their care. Marrero emphasized the detrimental impact of fear and uncertainty on students’ ability to learn, stressing the need for a safe and conducive educational environment.

Concerns over potential ICE raids have prompted proactive measures in cities like Chicago, where teachers are organizing “sanctuary teams” to support students in case of enforcement actions. Amidst the apprehension surrounding immigration operations, some parents have opted to keep their children home in Erie, Pennsylvania, reflecting a pervasive sense of fear that impedes the learning environment.

While some argue that fears of ICE targeting schools are exaggerated, others point to the challenges faced by schools in accommodating undocumented students. The issue of providing free education to all students, as established in the Plyler v. Doe Supreme Court ruling of 1982, has come under scrutiny by certain officials aligned with the Trump administration.

As school communities grapple with the uncertainties brought about by the prospect of ICE raids, educators and officials are working to address concerns and ensure the safety and well-being of students. Superintendents like Marrero express skepticism over the rationale behind targeting schools for enforcement actions and stress the importance of maintaining a stable learning environment for academic progress and community cohesion.

“Who in the world would think that violent gang members are peacefully sitting ‘criss-cross applesauce’ in classrooms?” he chuckled at the suggestion. “Why would they want to see a drastic drop in attendance and a reversal of all the progress we’ve achieved since the pandemic?” he pondered aloud. “If their aim is simply to sow fear, then they have unfortunately succeeded beyond measure.”

The article was first published on USA TODAY, reporting on how ICE raids under Trump’s administration have instilled fear among students, leading to increased absences in school districts.


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