
Great tension between Germany and Elon Musk!


Elon Musk, who made statements against the refugee influx, especially in the USA, shared the message "Are the German people aware of this?" to the news of "8 German ships belonging to German non-governmental organizations supported by the German government, working in the Mediterranean and rescuing refugees".

The 'government agency' approved account of the German Foreign Ministry responded to Musk with "Yes. And it's called saving lives." The post was also liked by United Nations High Commissioner Filippo Grandi and Scottish First Minister Humza Yousaf.

Musk said today, "So you're really proud of this. It's interesting. Frankly, I doubt that the majority of the German people support it. Have you done a poll?

Isn't it a violation of Italy's sovereignty that Germany is transporting so many illegal immigrants to Italian territory? There are feelings of occupation ...", he replied.