
What are the foods that make you sweat excessively?

Increased temperatures and humidity in summer cause our bodies to sweat more. This can lead to problems such as dehydration and fatigue. It is possible to minimize these negative effects by paying attention to our diet. So what are the foods that make you sweat excessively in summer?


Fatty and fried foods: These foods make digestion difficult and raise body temperature, causing you to sweat more. Salty foods: Salt has the property of retaining water. This leads to water retention in your body and causes you to lose more water through sweating.

Sugary and processed foods: These types of foods can cause sudden fluctuations in blood sugar, leading to feelings of lightheadedness and weakness. In addition, high-sugar foods increase sweating. Red meat Red meat is hard to digest and raises body temperature, causing sweating. Spicy foods: Spices such as chili peppers raise body temperature and increase sweating.

WHICH FOODS SHOULD BE CONSUMED IN SUMMER? Drink plenty of water: It is very important to drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated. Eat fresh vegetables and fruits: Vegetables and fruits are rich in water and vitamins. They provide you with the fluids and nutrients your body needs. Consume fermented products such as yogurt and buttermilk: Fermented products help regulate the intestinal flora and facilitate digestion.

Eat salads and cold soups: Salads and cold soups are cool and refreshing foods. They help you get the fluids and nutrients your body needs. Choose white meat and fish: Compared to red meat, white meat and fish are easier to digest and raise body temperature less. Drink herbal teas: Herbal teas are cooling and refreshing. Also, some herbal teas can help ease digestion and quench thirst.