
Turns out it's poison: Did you know this harm of lemon salt?


Lemon salt is one of the most commonly used ingredients both in the kitchen and in cosmetics. However, lemon salt may not be as innocent as you think. When you hear this harm of lemon salt, you will not want to use it again.

There are many products that we often use in the kitchen. One of these is lemon salt. Lemon salt is an ingredient that both gives flavor to food and extends its life. A striking fact about lemon salt has emerged. Lemon salt may not be as innocent as you think.

Lemon salt, which is used both in cooking in the kitchen and in cosmetic products to beautify, poses a great risk to our health. After reading the damages of lemon salt, known as citric acid, you will think twice before using it. Pay attention to these damages of lemon salt!

There is a common misconception about lemon salt. Lemon salt is often thought to be made from lemons. However, this is completely wrong. Lemon salt is unfortunately a chemically derived citric acid. Lemon salt is mainly used in cosmetics and for making pickles and jams.

However, lemon salt has many harms both for our skin health and for the health of our body. Lemon salt, which is citric acid, can increase the risk of irritation of sensitive skin. In addition, excessive consumption of lemon salt can trigger stomach problems.

Lemon salt can also cause sores in the mouth and throat. In addition, lemon juice also causes allergic reactions when it reacts with hot water. Lemon salt, which is often dissolved in hot water, should never be smelled. It can cause great damage to the respiratory tract.