
Tinnitus: This disease may be lurking behind it!


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The cause of tinnitus is unknown Tinnitus, or ringing in the ears, is when a person hears different sounds such as ringing, whistling, clicking and buzzing in the absence of sound stimulation. This sound is usually not heard by other people. The sound heard in tinnitus is the result of a spontaneous electrical discharge in one of the organs in the auditory pathway. Although the cause of this discharge may be due to many reasons such as damage to the organ called the cochlea in the inner ear, external compression of the ear nerve, disruption of brain activity, the cause cannot be determined in most cases.

The severity of tinnitus varies according to the patient Tinnitus is not a disease in itself, but a symptom of some medical conditions. The sound can be in both ears or only one ear. It can be of different tones, ranging in pitch from a low roar to a high scream. In rare cases, tinnitus may appear as a rhythmic pulsing or buzzing at the same time as a person's heartbeat. The severity varies according to the patient. In some cases, the sound can be so loud that the person has difficulty concentrating or hearing outside sounds. Tinnitus may be present all the time or may come and go. It is especially severe at night during sleeping hours when the masking effect of outside sounds is removed.

Many diseases can cause tinnitus For the diagnosis of tinnitus, a detailed ear, nose and throat examination should be performed first. The patient's hearing should be measured with audiometric tests. If hearing loss is detected as a result of this test, further imaging tests for differential diagnosis; tomography and MRI are requested. In addition, blood tests such as complete blood count, sedimentation, thyroid hormones, cholesterol and blood sugar levels should be checked to detect other underlying diseases. Consulting an ENT specialist as soon as the first symptoms appear can provide a quick resolution of tinnitus. Masking treatment is one of the most effective methods for tinnitus There is no clearly defined and accepted medical treatment for tinnitus. If an underlying cause can be identified, this disease should be treated. It is also recommended to avoid caffeine, alcohol, aspartame (sweetener), smoking and stress. Patients should be advised not to listen to their tinnitus, to avoid staying in quiet environments as much as possible, and if possible, to increase the base noise level of the room with a small sound while sleeping, such as relaxing music, and to sleep by masking the tinnitus. Masking therapy is one of the most effective methods. Masking is the use of hearing aids with the same frequency and intensity of the tinnitus or some special tinnitus devices. In addition, alternative treatment methods such as psychotherapy-based "tinnitus retraining therapy", transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), and acupuncture can be applied.