
Those who consume this food live to be at least 100 years old!


Known as the "Blue Zone", it encompasses the 5 healthiest regions in the world. People living in these regions have the longest life expectancy in the world. Okinawa Island in Japan, Sardinia Island in Italy, Ikaria Island in Greece, Loma Linda in the USA and Nivoya Peninsula in Costa Rica are among the places that make up the Blue Zone.

It was called the Blue Zones, where people have reached the age of 100. After the creation of the areas, a team of anthropologists, epidemiologists, demographers and researchers was sent to the region to explain the secret of longevity. Scientists have revealed the secret of longevity! Those who consume this food see at least 100 years old It is stated that the biggest reason for the secrets of the longevity of people living in these regions; stress levels, movement rates and diet.

According to the diets of people living in the region, the heaviest meal is in the morning and the lightest meal is in the evening. They also stop consuming food after the evening meal.

People living in the region are far from snacking too often. In order to follow their eating habits, you can pay attention to your snack choices. For this, you can choose healthier snacks instead of consuming highly processed snacks.

HAZELNUT Hazelnuts are among the snacking habits of people living in this region. Scientists revealed the secret of long life! Those who consume this food see at least 100 years old According to a report in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, communities in the 5 Blue Zones eat a mostly plant-based diet. They get most of their dietary fat from foods such as nuts and olive oil.

WHOLE WHEAT TOAST One of the common characteristics of long-lived people is that they do not consume white bread. Scientists revealed the secret of long life! Those who consume this food see at least 100 years old People in the "Blue Zone" eat bread with whole grains instead of white bread. Scientists reveal the secret of long life! Those who consume this food see at least 100 years old If you want to prepare a snack in a short time and meet your carbohydrate needs, you can consume a light meal by preparing toast with tomatoes, cheese and whole wheat bread.

AVOCADO Among those who regularly consume avocados is the Advenist community in Loma Linda. Thanks to avocado consumption, they get extra potassium and keep their blood pressure levels at a minimum. Thus, they can prevent the risk of high blood pressure. Scientists revealed the secret of long life! Those who consume this food see at least 100 years old According to a research study at Penn State; It was concluded that consuming one avocado during the day supports the reduction of LDL cholesterol.

MUZ Nicoyan people regularly consume bananas. Bananas have a good content of vitamin C, potassium and fiber. Scientists have revealed the secret of long life! Those who consume this food see at least 100 years old Another common characteristic of people living in the Blue Zone is their high consumption of fiber. This can help to improve heart health and reduce the risk of certain types of cancer.

CHOICE In Ikaria and Sardinia, chickpeas are consumed regularly. They contain protein, fiber and healthy fats. Consuming chickpeas can support digestion, reduce cancer risk and cholesterol.

GREEN TEA The Okinawa community in Japan regularly consumes green tea. Green tea consumption can help reduce the amount of inflammation in the body, reduce the risk of cancer, boost metabolism and improve brain health. Scientists have revealed the secret to long life! Those who consume this food see at least 100 years old

BLACK BEANS Black beans are among the healthy foods. It has a high fiber content and plays a role in lowering cholesterol. Consuming black beans helps stabilize blood sugar levels and is beneficial for digestive health.