
They produced artificial rain!

Artificial rain was produced in the city of Lahore in Pakistan's Punjab province to reduce air pollution.


According to Geo News television, Punjab Chief Minister Mohsen Naqvi stated that aeroplanes equipped with cloud seeding equipment flew over 10 areas of Lahore.

THE AIM IS TO REDUCE AIR POLLUTION Naqvi stated that artificial rain was produced to reduce air pollution in Lahore and said that two planes and experts from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) came to Lahore 10-12 days ago to provide support in this regard.

After the studies, artificial rain, which was produced for the first time in the history of Pakistan, rained at various points of the city.

LAHORE IN TOP 10 IN THE WORLD Lahore is frequently among the top 10 cities with the highest air pollution in the world. In Punjab, on 19 November, it was mandatory to wear masks for a week in areas with high air pollution.