
The White House made statements that shocked everyone! Bad news for the Ukrainian Army!

While the Ukrainian state was waiting for a new aid package, the White House Strategic Communications Coordinator John Kirby made one game-changing statement after another!


White House Strategic Communications Coordinator John Kirby said that the US will announce a new aid package for Ukraine at the end of this month, and that this will be the last package due to the depletion of resources.

According to CNN, Kirby said, "The money in the budget has run out. We need Congress to act urgently," Kirby said.

Since the end of September, the US Congress has failed to reach agreement on the allocation of funds to help Ukraine and Washington's other foreign allies, including Israel.

Biden and the Democrats want $106 billion allocated, including $61 billion for Ukraine.

Negotiations between Congress and the Biden administration continue. The White House has repeatedly warned that without additional funding, money for Ukraine will run out before the end of 2023.

