
The solution to your sleep problem: How to fall asleep in 2 minutes!


When you make a habit of lying awake in bed at night, your brain starts working at about 1.6 million kilometers per hour. A secret military technique that helps a person fall asleep in just two minutes is often used in the US military. This method was used in the US military, especially in times of war, to help soldiers fall asleep easily. The method was described in the 1981 book "Relax and Win: Championship Performance" published in 1981. However, after, a website with a large following, published the method, it started to attract attention.

HERE IS HOW TO FALL ASLEEP IN 2 MINUTES 1. Relax all the muscles in your face, including the tongue, jaw and muscles around the eyes. 2. Drop your shoulders as low as you can, then drop your upper and lower arms in turn. 3. Inhale, relax your chest, then relax from the hips all the way down to your legs. 4. Take 10 seconds to clear your mind before imagining one of the following three landscapes. - You are lying in a canoe on a quiet lake, with nothing visible except the deep blue sky.

- You are lying on a black velvet hanging bed in a pitch-black room. - For about 10 seconds you keep telling yourself, "Don't think, don't think, don't think".

THE IMPORTANT THING IS TO SUCCEED IN SILENCING YOUR MIND This method works for 96 percent of people who practice it for 6 weeks. In case this method doesn't work, sleep expert Dr. Neil Stanley says that the most important factor in falling asleep is to quiet your mind. "You need three things to fall asleep: A relaxed body and, most importantly, a clear mind, so you need to remove all distracting devices and items from your bedroom. You can't sleep if your mind is racing and anything you can do to slow it down will help you sleep. There is no magic way to do this, you have to find what works for you, like reading, a hot bath, chamomile tea, mindfulness, aromatherapy or listening to Pink Floyd. It doesn't matter what you do as long as you're doing something that stops you thinking about the stress of the day." (Independent)