
The mysterious epidemic spread to Europe! Children are in great danger!

The "mysterious pneumonia epidemic", which has been increasing in recent weeks in some cities in China, especially in Beijing, continues to cause concern... The epidemic, which especially affects children, has spread to Europe.


China is now struggling with a "mysterious pneumonia epidemic". Hospitals were overflowing due to the epidemic, which the World Health Organization was monitoring from afar and awaiting an explanation from the Chinese authorities.

In cases of pneumonia, especially affecting children, patients' symptoms include high fever and cough. Because hospitals in the region were full, children were treated in the corridors.

The coronavirus (Covid-19), which emerged in China in the last weeks of 2019, later spread all over the world and caused the death of millions of people. Some officials and experts blamed the Chinese administration, saying that China informed the international community about Covid-19 late.

APPEARED IN EUROPE The epidemic that occurred in China in the past weeks also appeared in Europe. It has been announced that a very serious epidemic of respiratory diseases has occurred in the Netherlands recently, especially among children. Officials said the symptoms were similar to child patients in China.

It was stated that there was an increase in the number of children falling ill in Utrecht, the Netherlands. Dutch authorities stated that children aged between 5 and 14 fell ill. According to the data shared by the authorities in the Netherlands, the disease rate has doubled compared to the same period last year.

The Netherlands Institute for Health Research Service (NIVEL) announced that there has been a serious increase in pneumonia cases since August. While it was announced that the disease, which causes inflammation in the lungs, was bacterial or virus-based, it was noted that it had symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath and high fever.

According to NIVEL's data, it was announced that 103 out of every 100 thousand children between the ages of 5-14 got sick. It was stated that this number was 58 last year. Authorities did not make a clear explanation for this sharp increase. On the other hand, photos and videos published on social media show Chinese officials cleaning streets and schools in special costumes. In the images, cleaning staff are cleaning using a special system. On the other hand, images published on Weibo, one of China's popular social media platforms, show 700 patients forming a stampede to see a doctor. Hospital officials said, “Dear parents, many children are sick right now. Therefore, density may occur. It was stated that he warned, "You can wait 13 hours for treatment."