
The director confessed to his trick in Titanic!

Famous director James Cameron confessed the behind-the-scenes details of his fam


James Cameron confessed to the clever trick he used to make the Titanic movie set look bigger. Released in 1997, the movie starred Kate Winslet as Rose and Leonardo DiCaprio as Jack Dawson.

CAMERON REVEALS THE CLEVER TRICK HE USED IN TITANIC Despite the movie's huge budget and difficulties, the 3 hour and 17 minute Titanic has been talked about for years, not only for Cameron's direction, but also for the performances and the design of the production team.

ESPECIALLY SHORT ACTORS WERE CHOSEN In an interview with the Los Angeles Times, Cameron explained how they made the movie set look bigger. "We only cast short extras so that our set would look bigger," Cameron said.

Cameron also added that they made a profit because they didn't have to spend money on building a bigger ship: "We didn't cast anyone over 6 feet tall. We saved an extra million dollars on casting."

DID NOT WANT TO USE A LIFE-SIZE SHIP Cameron's ability to emphasize the RMS Titanic, one of the largest passenger ships of the era, with actors of a certain height is one of the elements that make the production so impressive.

When Cameron was asked why he didn't use a ship the size of the Titanic for the filming, Cameron said that he had to sink the ship at the end of the movie and that he could only do one take "What if I wanted a second take? Anyway, in the end we decided not to build the Titanic as a ship that could actually float."

The Canadian director went underwater to observe the wreckage of the Titanic firsthand and tried to recreate the ship in the best way possible.

Released 26 years ago, the movie earned 14 Oscar nominations.

Titanic also became the second movie to win 11 Academy Awards after 1959's Ben-Hur.