
Symptoms you think are flu may indicate this cancer!


While common ailments such as flu and colds increase with cold weather conditions, experts point out that some symptoms may be the first sign of cancer. It is emphasized that early diagnosis is critical in cancer treatment. Conditions such as the common cold are much more common in cold weather. While most of these illnesses get better after a few days, some symptoms that overlap with common winter illnesses may be a sign of something worse. Worryingly, there are five symptoms of cancer that can be mistaken for the common cold. Experts warn that cancer affects one in two people, and warn us to be alert to the symptoms. Doctors have therefore summarized the main symptoms to look out for. Although most of these symptoms occur in cases such as the common cold, some people may have cancer.

COUGHING Cough can occur with various winter illnesses, but if this symptom persists for several weeks or worsens, it may be a sign of cancer. For example, symptoms of lung cancer can include persistent coughing and shortness of breath.

TIREDNESS Stress in everyday life is one of the most understandable causes of fatigue. However, prolonged fatigue that you feel all over your body can also be a signal that something is wrong. However, if you feel tired all the time, it may indicate that something is wrong with your body.

NIGHT SWEATS When you have a fever due to a cold or flu, it may seem normal to sweat during the night. At the same time, night sweats can be caused by infections, certain medications, but can also be a sign of cancer. Talk to your doctor if you have very heavy, drenching night sweats or an unexplained fever.

HOARSENESS Hoarseness is a common symptom of the common cold. However, persistent hoarseness should be checked by your doctor. According to experts, the main symptom of laryngeal cancer is hoarseness for more than three weeks.