
Surprising reasons why you gain weight without realizing it!


Listening to music while eating, preferring to eat in front of the TV, getting less sleep... What if we told you that all of these can be unnoticed causes of weight gain? Even whether you eat alone or with a group of friends is important. The time you spend eating also plays a role in the excess calories you take in. Your daily life habits can cause you to gain 450-500 calories a day without realizing it and can mean a 2-pound weight gain in a month.

Weight gain and the resulting excess weight are closely related to the amount of calories we consume during the day. Excess weight means calories that are not burned and are stored as fat. In this dilemma that concerns most of us, there are daily habits that we are not aware of the consequences of. Don't be surprised if we tell you that most of us overeat as much automatically and unconsciously as consciously. Here are interesting reasons that lead to this problem, habits that point to how they affect your weight:

The researchers also questioned whether the people one eats with have an effect on eating more. They found that people who had lunch with colleagues ate more calories. It showed that chatting and eating with a group caused more calories to be taken without realizing it. At this point, it was pointed out that it is best to eat alone. On the other hand, it was not ignored that eating with the family has many other benefits.

SLEEP TIME Numerous studies have shown the relationship between sleep duration and calorie intake, junk food consumption and even obesity. It has been pointed out that those who sleep six hours or less accumulate excess weight and that even if these people sleep only 1-2 hours more without dieting, they can lose weight. It was found that less sleep both negatively affects appetite hormones and leads to at least 200 more calorie intake with snacks at later hours.

What you do while eating matters. A cell phone or TV can increase the number of calories you take in a meal by 15 percent. That's an extra 200-300 calories a day without even realizing it. On the contrary, focusing only on the meal and the nutrients increases the pleasure and taste of the meal and prevents excesses.

5 MINUTE BREAK RULE This simple game seems to be very effective in preventing extra calorie intake. According to the rule, you have to take a 5 minute break before getting the second course or dessert at a meal. In the meantime, you can do whatever you want. You can check your phone, read a few pages of your book or take a short walk. After 5 minutes, if you still want the second plate or dessert, you can eat it. You can do the same thing in the grocery store before you buy a product that is bad for your weight. Although it is recommended not to smoke, if you do smoke, you can apply the "5 minute break" rule to reduce the number of cigarettes, taking one break at a time before you light up that harmful substance.