
Strange call from Elon Musk!


US businessman Elon Musk advised humanity to "Have children". Emphasizing the importance of having children, Elon Musk said that without children, there would be no future generation.

"My advice to all people and government leaders is to make sure you have children to create a new generation," said Elon Musk, owner of SpaceX, Tesla and X companies. In Italy, Musk attended 'Atreju', the traditional political festival event of the Brothers of Italy (FdI), the far-right party of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, where he shared his approaches to current issues. Musk, who came to the platform with his young son, stated that humanity needs to have children in order to maintain its civilization and said, "I want to emphasize that having children is important. If there are no children, there will be no 'next generation'. This is a very fundamental issue."

Migration and demographic decline When asked if immigration could prevent this demographic decline, Musk said, "Immigration cannot solve the demographic decline of industrialized countries.My advice to all people and government leaders; make sure you have children to create a new generation." Pointing out that birth rates are also low in Italy, Musk said, "Italy is a good place to invest, but you should have more children. This is an incredible country and Italians are extraordinary, but if a company needs to invest, the company asks the question; will enough people work?"

Emphasizing that he is in favor of legal immigration, Musk continued as follows: "I am in favor of increasing legal immigration. We need to welcome those who come legally, honestly, who want to be part of the culture, who want to work hard and contribute to the economy. But of course, there needs to be an approval process for entry. If there is no filter, how can you know who is coming? I am not saying that all illegal immigrants are criminals, most of them are honest, but they need to go through a process." In the medium term, we should not demonize oil and gasStating that everyone acts as if they are sensitive to the environment, Musk said, "I am an environmentalist, we must have a sustainable world and future.Me and my companies are doing something about it. It is right to pay attention to climate change in the long term, but I have the impression that we exaggerate it in the short term. In the medium term, we should not demonize oil and natural gas." Musk emphasized that young environmentalists should not lose faith in the future and be hopeful.