
Shock claim about Netanyahu! Luxury watches, vacations and meals...

A remarkable claim has been made about Binyamin Netanyahu, who is one of the controversial figures of Israeli politics and has served as prime minister in different periods for a long time... Arnaud Mimran, a French businessman known to be close to Netanyahu, spoke to the French media.


A remarkable claim has been made about Binyamin Netanyahu, who is one of the controversial figures of Israeli politics and has served as prime minister in different periods for a long time... Arnaud Mimran, a French businessman known to be close to Netanyahu, spoke to the French media. Mimran, who confessed that he had previously bribed Netanyahu with 200 thousand dollars and was imprisoned, explained the luxury gifts he gave to Netanyahu one by one.

President Erdoğan made a statement today and announced that Netanyahu would visit Turkey soon. "I think Netanyahu's visit to Turkey, which was postponed due to illness, will take place in October or November," Erdoğan said. Mimran said that he gave Netanyahu $1 million, paying for Netanyahu's vacations and buying luxury watches. Detained since 2016, Mimran's allegations received a harsh response from Netanyahu. Netanyahu's office denied the allegations, saying, "The preposterous lies of an imprisoned criminal." Mimran said, "When I was working with someone, I would invite them to dinner with Netanyahu. I organized dinner every day in Monaco. When Netanyahu was with me in Paris, I would take him wherever I wanted. He did everything I asked. Once he got all the money from me, it was done. There were no limits. You could ask him for anything," he said.

"HE LIKED MY WATCH, I BOUGHT HIM ONE TOO" Noting that he usually gave Netanyahu lump sums of money, usually 10,000 or 20,000 euros, Mimran said, "Netanyahu once asked me for 50,000 dollars. He paid for his vacation and said everything was fine." "I paid for Netanyahu and his wife Sara's vacations in Miami, Monaco, Saint-Tropez, Deauville, Courchevel and Paris. I paid for everything. He said that he paid for the 2600 euro breakfast during their stay in Paris," Mimran said. Mimran stated that Netanyahu bought a Panerai luxury wristwatch and that he was interested in cigarettes and said, "I bought a watch for myself. He liked it very much and I bought one for him. He loves gifts."