
Record fine for Trump's lawyer!

Former US President Donald Trump's mother Ruby Freeman and her daughter Wandrea ArShaye Moss, who were targeted for allegedly "cheating" in the elections after losing the 2020 presidential elections, won their lawsuit. Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani was sentenced to $ 150 million in compensation.


Former US President Donald Trump's mother Ruby Freeman and her daughter Wandrea ArShaye Moss, who were targeted for allegedly "cheating" in the elections after losing the 2020 presidential elections, won their lawsuit. Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani was sentenced to $ 150 million in compensation.

GIULIANI WAS FINED $150 MILLION IN DAMAGES "They stole votes against Trump," he said, death threats rained down on an innocent mother and daughter.

Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump's lawyer in the 2020 US presidential election, was sentenced to $150 million in damages for slandering election workers.

Wandrea ArShaye Moss said, "I worked as an election worker in Fulton County, Georgia for 10 years. Rudy Giuliani's lies about me and my mother after the 2020 presidential election changed our lives.

The last few years have been very bad. The fire Giuliani started with his lies turned into a fire and burned every aspect of our lives, our home, our family, our work, our safety and our mental health. We are still trying to recover," he said.

"THE DECISION IS ABSURD, I WILL APPEAL" The mother and daughter, who serve in the US state of Georgia, were targeted by Giuliani, accusing them of stealing votes against Trump. Giuliani, who is also the former mayor of New York, admitted in recent months that he had lied but took refuge in freedom of speech.

Giuliani said he would appeal the verdict, saying the decision was absurd and the amount of the fine reflected that.