
No more dealing with dull knives! Knife sharpening methods at home that no one knows!


Isn't it frustrating when cutting tomatoes in the kitchen and the juice comes out? Crumbling bread when you want to slice it, or having a hard time even chopping a cucumber...

There are knives that you should not sharpen yourself, not only at home, but even with a professional sharpening tool. Knives such as bread knives, special curved knives, curved specialty knives, etc. should not be sharpened by yourself. The only thing you can do with these knives is to seek professional help. We don't want you to cause an accident while making your life easier at home.

There is no clear answer to the knife sharpening interval. You can determine this yourself according to the purpose and frequency of use. If it is a knife that you often cut meat with, you should sharpen it every 15 days. However, if it is a knife that you use for cutting salad ingredients, fruits and vegetables, it is sufficient to sharpen it once a month. Knives that you rarely use may also need sharpening. If you have left a knife in a drawer for more than a year, be sure to check it before using it. If there is any shedding due to decay in one area, we recommend that you sharpen the knife thoroughly and shave that area before use.

First of all, this question can be answered according to the size and function of the knife. It is enough to know the knife at the rate for which you will use it. For example, if it is a knife you use for making salad, 30 to 45 seconds may be enough. However, if you are going to cut meat, this time may be between two and three minutes. Now, we can move on to knife sharpening methods at home.

We think you must have a porcelain mug in your home. You know, the constant companions of our coffee and tea, which we do not drop from our hands, especially in winter... So take the mug and the non-cutting knife. Turn the mug upside down and hold it firmly from the bottom. You can perform the process by rubbing the knife you want to sharpen on the base of the mug. This simple method turns your mug into a sharpening tool.

Let's detail the process after turning your mug upside down: Once you have a good grip on your dull knife, grasp the mug firmly and carefully from the bottom and start moving the blade back and forth horizontally on it. Everything must be just right. Do not press the blade too hard, nor hold it so loosely that it slips out of your hand. Repeat this until you feel the blade sharpening. Every now and then you can cut a nice cherry tomato and test the sharpness of the knife.

Scissors are one of the tools that we all have at home and help us in different areas. Having sharp and useful scissors can make our lives easier. In addition to the knife sharpening methods mentioned above, we can offer you another very easy way: Open the scissors with two fingers at about 45 degrees. Take the knife you want to sharpen between the scissors and start rubbing it carefully. In a short time you will have sharpened both the knife and the scissors.

As surprising and interesting as it may sound, the newspapers you read can turn into a sharpening tool. In addition to the sharp power of paper, it is worth noting that it also has a sharpening skill. This method is also quite simple and quick. Fold the newspaper neatly in half with the pages intact. Place the knife you want to sharpen right between the newspaper. Gently and carefully pull the knife out of the newspaper as if you were wiping it. Repeat this until you are sure that your knife is sharpened. You can easily sharpen your knives with this clever and very practical method.