
Natural acne masks with incredible results

Acne and acne scars are among the issues that many of us are looking for solutions. We have put together an easy and natural home acne mask recipe for you in order to lighten the blemish appearances on your skin.


Natural acne masks made at home, when applied uncontrolled, can cause skin reactions and allergies, as well as the formation of different skin imperfections. For this reason, no home mask recipe on this page is a cure. We recommend using an acne cream that is scientifically proven, recommended by dermatologists and specially formulated for the skin. Now that we have made our warning, we can start listing the natural acne masks made at home!

We can say that the most popular option among mask recipes for acne is the lemon mask recipe at home. This mask, which is thought to work on acne thanks to the salicylic acid in lemon, may cause a reaction on the skin when applied uncontrollably. Be aware! Ingredients: 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 tablespoon honey 1 tablespoon of yogurt Preparation: After mixing these ingredients with each other, you can apply it to your skin with the help of a brush. If you want, you can apply it locally on pimples and wait. After keeping it on your skin for 15 minutes, you can clean the mask. Lemon mask for acne is usually repeated once a week by those who apply it.

One of the most frequently applied homemade acne and blackhead mask recipes is yogurt mask. The reason why yogurt mask is frequently preferred at home is that yogurt is thought to have a purifying effect on the skin and drying acne. Cucumber is preferred for its refreshing and nourishing effect. In addition, its practicality is also an important factor in the preference of masks made at home. Ingredients 2 tablespoons of yogurt 1 cucumber Preparation: You can chop the cucumber into small pieces and throw it in a blender with yogurt and mix it until it reaches the consistency of a mask. You can also do the same by grating the cucumber. You can then apply this mixture to your skin without a very thick layer. After waiting for 20 minutes to dry, you can rinse your face.

It is thought that the foods you can use in making masks at home for acne can also be effective on acne scars. For this reason, turmeric mask is also frequently preferred as a natural acne mask recipe for acne and acne scars on the skin. Ingredients 1 teaspoon turmeric 2 tablespoons of yogurt 1 teaspoon honey Preparation: After mixing the ingredients together, you can apply it on your face. After waiting for the mask to dry for 15-20 minutes, you can rinse your skin. If your skin feels stinging and itching shortly after applying the mask, we recommend that you wash the mask without waiting.