
Kosovo Security Forces ready to join NATO armies!


President Osmani, together with Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti, Defense Minister Ejup Maqedonci and military and diplomatic representatives from the country, attended the event held at the FSK Adem Jashari Barracks in the capital Pristina, which was opened to the public on the occasion of the "Day of Power".

The guests examined some of the military equipment of the FSK on display. Osmani told reporters that the "Day of Power" is a proud day for all citizens and FSK members.

Stating that the FSK is a force trained according to the highest NATO standards, Osmani said: "Today, with great pride, we commemorate the great sacrifice of our people in making our liberation army what it is today. A lot of blood was shed for Kosovo to have its own army, so I believe that every soldier wears this uniform with great pride and is ready to give his life for the homeland if necessary." Osmani said that they will strive to create the best possible conditions for FSK soldiers. Stating that the FSK is a proven force that has served in peacekeeping missions with allied armies in various countries around the world, Osmani said, "(FSK) is ready to join other allied armies in the NATO alliance, the strongest alliance in the history of mankind."

Prime Minister Kurti stressed that the government focused on the Ministry of Defense and doubled its budget in less than three years, adding, "We almost tripled investments in armaments and more than quadrupled the number of officers and soldiers trained abroad. In less than 32 months, we sent 3,459 soldiers and officers abroad." The FSK traditionally opens its barracks across Kosovo to the public on November 27 for the "Day of Power". The FSK, which was established in 2009 to provide crisis management operations in Kosovo and beyond the border, to take part in civil defense operations in the country and in natural disasters and other emergencies, was transformed into an armed force with legal amendments in 2018. The process is expected to take 10 years.