
Just a pinch is enough: Make your burnt pots and pans sparkle like the first day!


The tip to make your pots and pans shiny and sparkling has been announced. Thanks to this method, you will no longer have to throw away your pots and pans.

Here is a new cleaning secret that housewives will love. Anyone who cares about kitchen products should definitely take note of this information. Our favorite pots can become unusable from time to time. Sometimes because of cooking mistakes, sometimes because of the food we forgot on the stove. Cookware prices are jaw-dropping these days.

Cookware is among the essentials of a kitchen. Many housewives take care of their pots like their eyes. It can be very disturbing, especially when the bottom of the pot grips. Most of the time we have to throw the pot away.

When a meal is cooked in granite pots, there is no burns. However, unfortunately, there is a very frequent burning problem in steel pots. Even if it is rubbed with wire, the burn marks do not come out. Well, what if we tell you that you can find a solution to this with a very unknown method? With a simple product in your home, you can completely get rid of burns on your pots.

METHOD THAT WILL INSTANTLY HEAL POT BURNS If you have shaving foam at home, you can get rid of the burn completely. When you pop corn, cook chestnuts or make any other product, burns occur immediately. But you can eliminate it from the root by using shaving foam. Squeeze shaving foam into your pot and rub it well. Then you will see that the burns gradually dissolve. It will also be enough to soak it with lemon beforehand. If you clean the bottom and sides of your pot with shaving foam, it will be cleaner and shinier. Thus, your pots will always look like new.

Vinegar is also of great benefit in removing burnt stains on the pot. The acidic nature of vinegar helps the burn stain to disappear gradually, while making it much easier to wipe off the dirt in a much simpler way. Thus, you will clean your pots more easily. Unfortunately, dishwashing detergent alone is not enough to remove burns. You can also boil some water beforehand to soften the stains.

Yes, thanks to this great information, you can make your pots like new. Share this information you have learned with your friends. They can make their pots like new in this way.