
It's shocking! Here are the people who marry strange things!


Interesting marriages that push the limits of people's imagination can go beyond the traditional concept of marriage. Some of these people marry unusual objects or concepts, some marry a hamburger, while others marry a quilt. These unusual choices reveal the diversity of marriage and how different people's passions can be.

PASCALE SELLICK- MARRIED WITH HER QUILT A woman named Pascale Sellick said in an interview that although she had a boyfriend, she fell in love with this one-person quilt at first sight. Sellick, who decided to get married because of loyal friendship, said it was the most meaningful relationship she had ever had.

CHEN WEI - MARRIED HIMSELF At the age of 30, Chen Wei could not stand the pressure from society to marry, so she decided to marry herself.


In 2016, Aaron Chervenak got married on his smartphone at The Little Vegas Chapel in Nevada. "If we're honest with ourselves, we connect with our phones on a lot of emotional levels," said Chervenak, who said he had his longest relationship with his cell phone.