
It is like a medicine for those suffering from knee pain: It makes the calcium in the blood go through the roof!


Calcium, which is necessary for the development of bones, is transported to the body through food. Broccoli, which is a complete calcium store, has anti-disease effects. Those suffering from knee pain will be very happy with this news. Here is the most popular vegetable of the winter months and its health effects.

Broccoli, one of the leading winter vegetables, can be prepared and consumed with many different alternatives in the kitchen. Rich in nutritional value, this vegetable provides a lot of calcium.

Although broccoli is consumed raw, many people prefer to consume it boiled. Broccoli, which strengthens the immune system, is one of the protective foods that you should especially consume in winter.

Daily calcium intake varies according to age groups. It is necessary to take 1300-3000 mg of calcium between the ages of 9-18, 1000-2500 mg between the ages of 18-50 and 1200-2000 mg over the age of 50.

Vitamin C is one of the essential vitamins for a stronger and healthier immune system. Thanks to vitamin C, which comes after calcium in broccoli, the immune system is strengthened. Vitamin C in broccoli can meet 84% of people's daily vitamin C needs. This vegetable, which acts as an effective medicine to protect against infectious diseases, provides 100-200 mg vitamin C to the body when consumed during the day.

Calcium and vitamin K, which are essential for bone health, are abundant in broccoli. Calcium, which provides bone development and ensures the formation of strong and healthy bones, can be easily met by broccoli consumption. Vitamins A and C in broccoli also positively affect bone health and development. You can consume broccoli to reduce the pain caused by joint inflammation.

Vitamin E in it is also effective in reducing pain caused by joint inflammation. Especially people who suffer from arthritis should definitely consume broccoli regularly. The fibers it contains support intestinal health and reduce the risk of developing diseases. These fibers can control diabetes disorders, especially by balancing blood sugar.

Studies have shown that broccoli contains substances that support cholesterol. It is enough to consume only broccoli to get these substances that prevent the formation of chronic diseases. Studies have shown that broccoli is effective in reducing the risk of kidney, bladder, prostate and breast cancer. Broccoli, which also positively affects heart health, reduces the risk of heart attack. Broccoli can raise good cholesterol while lowering bad cholesterol levels. Apart from this, another unknown benefit is on brain functions and nervous system. The substance called 'sulforan' in broccoli supports brain function. In studies, the substance called 'kaempferol' is effective in reducing the risk of nerve tissue inflammation.