
It happens very often: What does it mean to see a spider in a dream?

Could you have seen more spiders in your dreams this September? It may sound strange, but there is a specific reason behind these frightening dreams.


Analyzing more than 279,750 Google searches on dreams, a mattress brand conducted a comprehensive study to determine when the most common dreams are likely to occur, before working with a famous psychic to decipher the meaning behind them.

If your dreams have been full of creepy spiders lately, then you may be longing for something specific in life.

MAY BE RELATED TO THE CHANGING WEATHER The research also shows a significant increase in searches for this dream during this month. "The increase in spider dreams in September can be attributed to the change of season," said sleep expert Martin Seeley.

"As the weather changes and daylight hours shift, our internal rhythms and sleep patterns can be disrupted. These disruptions can lead to vivid and haunting dreams that often manifest as spiders, a representation of the uncertainty that can accompany changes in life."

"The recent heatwave may also be to blame; our bodies are sensitive to changes in temperature and warmer nights can lead to more restless sleep and more frequent awakenings during the night.

"Our bodies may still be adjusting to these new rhythms in September, which can affect the quality of our sleep and the types of dreams we experience."

Martin Seeley also shared important tips to ensure that your dreams are more positive and don't interrupt your sleep

DO THESE THINGS TO IMPROVE YOUR SLEEP QUALITY 1. Do not sleep on your left side 2. Record your dreams when you wake up 3. Meditate before bed 4. Avoid alcohol if you have nightmares 5. Limit screen time before bedtime