
Hard-to-learn skills on the road to riches!


Earning large sums of money can be harder than you think. Some of the skills that the rich have in common can make this difficult process easier. A talent describes a skill that you are good at in one area. Skills can come naturally, or they can be developed through learning, experimenting and creating feedback loops to learn how to improve in an area. US investor Steve Burns' article in New Trader U focuses on the top skills that can help you make a good amount of money in your career or in your own business ventures, and even lead you to riches. Here are 10 skills that are hard to learn but always pay off...

Public speaking Public speaking is a skill that all leaders need to develop. It is known as the core skill of many politicians, CEOs and personal development gurus. Despite all the opportunities it can open up for you, it is also a very money-making skill. The majority of people are afraid of speaking to an audience, so public speaking is a distinctive skill that puts you one step ahead of the rest.

Being honest with yourself Being able to self-assess about yourself and your own abilities is a great way to improve. Competence should come before confidence and the ability to see your strengths and weaknesses can help you make the right decisions based on your skills.Delusion makes it difficult to succeed, but knowing what you don't know can lead to great improvements in your skills. Ego and fear of failure prevent most people from even trying.

Empathy Empathy is the foundation of emotional intelligence. The ability to understand what frustrates your employees and business partners and causes them pain is at the core of having people skills. Empathy helps you advance in your career and business by building a natural network and making others want to help you.

Analytical thinking The ability to think in terms of math, probabilities and risk/reward ratios is a skill that most highly paid people share. It is also considered a skill that eliminates the mistakes that emotions and ego can make in business. You can improve what you can measure. Critical thinking skills help you see and focus on what works.

Consistency in execution Most of your competitors can be beaten if you do what needs to be done every day. The ability to do the job consistently and correctly every day brings great success over time. When efforts are repeated over a long period of time, they combine to lead you towards your goals. This is a skill that quitters don't have, so they are doomed to lose after a strong start.

Contact Listening, motivating and teaching are communication skills. You can learn more than you realize by listening rather than talking. You can be more successful by motivating others rather than criticizing or vilifying them. Whether you are a manager, motivational speaker, author, YouTuber or blogger, the ability to communicate and teach is a highly monetized skill. Communication stands out as an essential skill for all high-income earners.

Time management Your time is your most important asset because it cannot be replaced. The ability to separate your time from making money is one of the highest earning skills you can develop because it creates an unlimited ability to make money through cash flow and asset appreciation. If you are a salaried employee, the fewer hours you need to spend to get results, the more you earn per hour. The better your time management skills, the more you earn per hour in any career or business.

Focus on the moment The ability to focus on what needs to be done right now is a concentration skill. Many people get lost in what worked in the past, get too far ahead of themselves with plans for the future and lose sight of what needs to be done today. This is one of the most accurate action skills today, focusing on what needs to be done to maintain the current level of success and at the same time improving it. The challenge is that the current work that needs to be done is not the favorite work that most people would want to focus on. This is why this skill is so important that it can put you in a very small and successful percentile.