
Greta Thunberg and 3 climate activists declare solidarity with Palestine!


4 climate activists, including Greta Thunberg, a climate activist who has made a global impact on the climate crisis, wrote an article for The Guardian newspaper titled "We won't stop speaking out about Gaza's suffering - no climate justice without human rights". The article reminded that more than 15,000 people, including at least 6,000 children, have lost their lives in Gaza due to Israeli attacks, and that schools, shelters and refugee camps have been targeted. "The global north looks the other way" Greta Thunberg, Alde Nilsson, Jamie Mater and Raquel Frescia reminded that many United Nations (UN) experts have described what is happening in Gaza as a "genocide in the making" and emphasized that the "global north" is "looking the other way". "Despite this horror, some have chosen to focus the public debate on attempts by young people in the climate justice movement to delegitimize their statements on Gaza," the climate activists said, explaining their position on the war in Gaza as follows:

"Contrary to what many claim, Fridays for Future has not been 'radicalized' or 'politicized'. We have always been political because we have always been a justice movement. It has never been out of the question for us to stand in solidarity with Palestinians and all civilian victims." "For climate justice, human rights must be prioritized" The letter emphasized that advocating for climate justice is fundamentally about people and human rights, and that climate activists' solidarity with Palestine is no different from their solidarity with groups in Ukraine and elsewhere.

"We have a responsibility to speak out against Swedish military cooperation with Israeli arms companies" "It also cannot be ignored that this is taking place in a wider context of what Amnesty International describes as an apartheid regime, where Palestinians have been living under suffocating oppression for decades," the climate activists said. "While this alone is reason enough to comment on the situation, as a Swedish movement we also have a responsibility to speak out against Swedish military cooperation with Israeli arms companies, which makes Sweden complicit in Israel's occupation and mass killings."

"Hamas' horrific killings of Israeli civilians in no way justify Israel's ongoing war crimes. Genocide is not self-defense, nor is it in any way a proportionate response." Noting that there is currently a sharp increase in antisemitic and Islamophobic rhetoric, actions and hate crimes in Sweden and around the world, the climate activists said: "The leader of the largest party in the Swedish coalition government talks about demolishing mosques and an Israeli flag was burned in front of a synagogue in Malmo. This is an unacceptable situation. We unconditionally condemn all forms of discrimination, including antisemitism and Islamophobia." "Silence is complicity, you cannot be neutral in genocide" The activists emphasized that Hamas has a responsibility to distinguish between Muslims and Palestinians and the state of Israel, Jews and Israelis. "Demanding an end to this inexcusable violence is a fundamental humanitarian issue and we call on everyone who can to do so. Silence is complicity. You cannot be neutral in an unfolding genocide."