
Giant operation by Interpol!


Interpol managed to catch 3500 hackers with operations in 34 countries. The amount of money from hacking and fraud seized in the operations reached 300 million dollars. Interpol, the international police force, announced on Tuesday that they have carried out one of the largest operations against cyber criminals in recent years. In the operation called Haechi IV, which was carried out simultaneously in 34 different countries, more than 80 thousand suspicious bank accounts were closed. Government officials of these countries were also warned against fraud methods using artificial intelligence and fake NFTs.

"The seizure of $300 million represents a shocking sum and reveals the underlying incentive for the explosive growth in international organized crime today," said a statement released after the operation. "This massive increase in illicit wealth is a serious threat to global security and undermines the economic stability of countries around the world," said Stephen Kavanagh, Interpol's Enforcement Director for Police Services.

Cyber-attacks, which have been on the rise recently, have started to be more in the news. According to Interpol, the number of attacks doubled this year. In general, data leaks stood out in these attacks. It was stated that the people caught in the operation generally committed crimes such as investment fraud, hijacking business e-mails, e-commerce fraud. Another popular fraud method was sexual blackmail e-mails sent to people. In addition, frauds in which people's voices and images are imitated with artificial intelligence have also become quite common. It was stated that especially voice cloning technology was used a lot.

Fraudsters also defraud people with NFTs that they direct people with the promise of high income. It is stated that this fraud is very common especially in and around Korea. These NFTs are not real NFTs.