
Experts explained: 1 dessert spoon relieves sore throat!


Especially in the winter months, when the weather gets colder due to environmental factors such as infection or dry air, a sore throat causes itching, burning sensation in the throat and difficulty swallowing and can feel quite uncomfortable. A sore throat is not itself a disease, but rather a symptom of viral infections such as pharyngitis, colds or flu.

While most sore throats go away on their own within a few days, in some cases they may require antibiotic treatment. In addition to common causes such as infection, sore throats can be caused by various stomach diseases, allergic diseases, respiratory problems, tobacco use, tumors and other causes.

What causes a sore throat? Sore throats are commonly caused by bacterial infections such as colds, flu, mononucleosis, measles, chickenpox, chickenpox, coronavirus disease, strep a infection, allergies or sleeping with your mouth open, which causes a dry throat. Bacterial infections Allergies Dryness in the air Irritants Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) HIV infection Tumors Injury

What is good for a sore throat? If the sore throat does not have an infection behind it, it is possible to eliminate the pain with some natural methods that you can apply at home without using medication. The methods that are good for sore throat when you apply them at home are as follows:

Mix powdered ginger, honey and lemon in a cup of hot water. You can drink it after waiting for it to warm slightly. You can also make this tea with fresh ginger. You need 1 cup of hot water, the juice of half a lemon, 2 teaspoons of honey and 2 cm of fresh ginger root. Cut the ginger into small pieces, put it in hot water and let it steep for 5 minutes. Then add lemon juice and honey and mix. If you don't like the ginger grains in your mouth, you can strain it before drinking. After the initial warmth of the tea has passed, take regular small sips for the best effect.

Honey is an important ingredient as it forms a soothing film over the inflamed throat and gives you temporary relief.