
EU is not in favor of Amazon's acquisition of iRobot!


In a statement made by the EU Commission, it was stated that the official statement of objection containing the accusations against the company in the competition investigation launched to evaluate the US-based Amazon's acquisition of iRobot was sent.

"The EU Commission has notified Amazon of its preliminary view that the sale of iRobot could restrict competition in the robot vacuum cleaner market," the statement said.

Reminding that Amazon offers an online marketplace that allows retailers to advertise and sell a variety of products, including robot vacuum cleaners, the statement noted that Amazon also operates as a retailer for robot vacuum cleaners in the online market.

CAN BLOCK COMPETITORS US sues Amazon for "monopolization" US sues Amazon for "monopolization" View News In the statement, it was stated that after the acquisition of iRobot, Amazon could implement strategies to prevent its competitors in the robot vacuum cleaner market. It is among the powers of the EU Commission to supervise mergers and acquisitions in large-scale companies operating in European countries. The EU Commission evaluates whether there is an anti-competitive situation in its examinations and investigations. If anti-competitive situations are detected, the EU Commission can block mergers or acquisitions. Amazon announced last year that it would buy iRobot for 1.7 billion dollars. The EU Commission launched a competition investigation into the acquisition in July.