
Elon Musk attended the Conservatives' festival! He made a shocking speech

Today, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama and billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk attended a political event organized by the far-right Brothers of Italy (FdI) party, the senior partner in Italy's coalition government. "I am in favor of legal immigration," Musk said, arguing that people who "want to work hard, are honest, contribute to the country and the economy, and are open to integration" should be accepted as immigrants.


The party, led by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, organized its traditional 'Atreju' event this year under the slogan 'Welcome back, Italian pride'. According to the BBC, Atreju, which has been held since 1998, takes its name from the character in the novel 'The Neverending Story', a fantasy genre literature that is one of the main cultural references of Meloni and his circle. The event serves as the party's manifesto, with meetings on topics ranging from immigration to the European Union to the preservation of Italian cuisine.

"A thousand bell towers, twenty regions, one nation", "Immigration, defense of borders", "The heart of the nation: A new spring for the family". On the front page of Atreju's 'Voice of the Patriot' newspaper, the flags of Israel and Ukraine, as well as Italy, are prominently displayed. MUSK: WE MUST STOP ILLEGAL MIGRATION Speaking at the so-called 'festival of the right' on Saturday, Elon Musk took a stance close to the Italian government with anti-illegal immigration messages. "I am in favor of legal immigration," Musk said, arguing that people who "want to work hard, who are honest, who will contribute to the country and the economy, who are open to integration" should be accepted as immigrants. Stating that there is no filter in illegal immigration and that it cannot be determined who enters the country, he said, "We must stop illegal immigration."

On the other hand, Musk emphasized the risks of population loss and a decrease in the labor force and called on Italians, "Please make more Italians." Musk also listed falling birth rates, the risk of nuclear war and artificial intelligence among the risks for the future of humanity. Likening artificial intelligence to a double-edged sword, Musk said, "Like a magic genie. And these stories don't always end well. You have to be careful what you wish for. We must be cautious," he said.

Reminding the Chinese saying 'May you live in interesting times', Musk commented, "I think we live in the most interesting time." Musk's speech was repeatedly interrupted by applause.