
Don't miss these tips:Tips to make your period days more comfortable at work!


Painful menstruation occurs in 6 out of 10 women and negatively affects daily life. In order to spend painful menstruation days comfortably at work, it is necessary to make some personal arrangements. Let's examine these tips together.

From throbbing headaches to mood swings, from painful cramps to trouble focusing, the experience of menstruation, with its various negative symptoms ranging from throbbing headaches and mood swings to painful cramps and trouble focusing, is of course unpleasant to be at work when you could be lounging in a corner.

Cramping pain in the lower abdomen can be felt before or during the menstrual cycle. Some people are unaffected in their daily activities, while others find it difficult to do something as simple as getting out of bed. Pain can be felt not only in the lower abdomen but also radiating to the buttocks and inner legs. This can also cause side symptoms such as dizziness and nausea. Painful menstruation can be "as painful as a heart attack". Although these severe pains in the menstrual cycle, which 1 out of every 5 women in the world experience every month and affect the quality of daily life, are usually tried to be relieved with painkillers containing "ibuprofen", effective results cannot be obtained.

As a result, it is necessary to make some personal arrangements in order to spend painful menstruation days comfortably at work. Let's take a look at some tips that will help you in this regard and help you to spend your menstrual days more comfortably at work...

Organize your work schedule. By planning your work schedule in inverse proportion to the days when you have painful cramps, you can shift your busy days to days when you have less pain and increase your comfort a little more. You can get support from your colleagues. If you have tried to make your work schedule comfortable but still cannot get the efficiency you want, you can ask your colleagues to support you. In particular, you can inspire and support your female colleagues by telling them that you can support them during their periods so that they do not hesitate. You can talk to your manager. In addition to getting the support of your colleagues, you can contact your manager if needed. For example, you can ask your manager about his/her perspective on flexible working.

You can choose clothes that you will be comfortable in. Prioritize comfort and practicality when dressing for work during your period. Avoid clothes that tighten your waist or legs and restrict your movements. You can create a menstrual kit. You can add sanitary pads, menstrual panties, tampons, menstrual cups or spare underwear in the menstrual kit; you can make it more equipped with herbal teas, painkillers or hot water bags to relax you. Drinking plenty of water is also an important factor here. Drinking water is always a very important factor for our health, but it is even more important during menstruation.

You should pay extra attention to your diet at work for mild cramps. Avoid foods high in salt because salty foods retain water and cause bloating, which can trigger abdominal pain. You should also limit your coffee consumption because caffeine can increase the severity of your cramps. You may prefer herbal teas instead of coffee. Adding a few extra types of herbal tea to your office drawer can help you feel better on your period days.