
Don't give away your confidential information!

Cyber fraudsters are always reviewing the sources of information they can access to reach their targets, from e-mail addresses to phone numbers to users' friends lists.


LinkedIn users often choose to make their personal or professional contact details public. Eset recommends that you check which contact details you share on your LinkedIn profile and who can see them.

They try this way: Cyber crooks are always reviewing the sources they can access to reach their targets, from email addresses to phone numbers to users' friends lists. They utilise the tools of social engineering and technology to advance towards their goals. They use programmes called web scraping tools to collect information from websites and access the data.

What should you choose to publish? By choosing not to share any contact information beyond the platform and your direct contacts, you significantly limit the amount of information criminals can gather about you. Your full name, job title and the geographical location of your company will of course still be visible.LinkedIn profiles that make email addresses public LinkedIn users often share personal contact details, but some may also disclose existing corporate email addresses. Translated with (free version)

Is it possible to minimise the risks? Due to the nature of social networks and on any platform, criminals can access some of our data online. But there are several measures you can take to prevent criminals from accessing your most valuable information on LinkedIn:

Configure your LinkedIn privacy settings LinkedIn offers several options to limit the information that people outside your connections can access. You should apply the same types of measures on other social media sites, but this can be especially important for LinkedIn. Limit the amount of information in your profile. Do not accept connection requests without scrutinising them. There are many bots and fake profiles on the platform, so check each connection request for accuracy before accepting it. Review your list of connections regularly. Given the prevalence of fake profiles, regularly review your connection list and remove anyone who looks suspicious. Translated with (free version)