
Donation scandal in Japan!


Several ruling party lawmakers in Japan, including ministers, have been accused of failing to fully report income from fundraising events. Four ministers in Japan's cabinet, belonging to the most powerful faction within the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), have resigned amid a fundraising scandal. While Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has appointed new names to replace the resigned ministers, criticism of his government's handling of the political fundraising scandal continues.

As Prime Minister Fumio Kishida replaces resigning ministers, criticism of his government's handling of the political fundraising scandal continues. Prosecutors have launched a criminal investigation into the disappearance of 500 million yen ($3.4 million) in political donations previously collected through ticket sales.Dozens of LDP lawmakers have been questioned so far. Starting next week, lawmakers' chambers will also be searched.

No official announcement has yet been made as the investigation is ongoing. Meanwhile, deputy ministers are expected to be dismissed or resign. It was noted that all of the resigning ministers, deputy ministers and important names of the party were close to former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who was assassinated in 2022. The group under investigation is called the "Abe-faction". Shinzo Abe, who had the title of "Japan's longest-serving prime minister" with his term of office covering the years 2012-2020, died after his assassination on July 8, 2022.

Shinzo Abe was seen as the country's 'most beloved prime minister'. The popularity of Fumio Kishida, who became the party leader after Abe's death, is falling day by day. Following the recent developments, public support for Prime Minister Kishida has fallen to 23 percent.