
Climate activists target Tesla's electric car this time!


Environmental activists are going to great lengths to bring awareness to their cause. For one group in the UK, this means deflating the tires of SUVs. Apparently, the group does not discriminate and will also deflate the tires of electric cars like the Tesla Model X. The group calls itself "Tire Deflators" and says it is "making it impossible to own an SUV in the world's urban areas." It says it is doing this "for climate, health (and) public safety". In particular, he points out that pollution from internal combustion engine vehicles has a negative impact on health.

'BEWARE: YOUR GAS GUZZLER CAN KILL YOU' Perhaps this explains why the group's flyers show a marked hostility towards "gas guzzlers".But, somewhat ironically, one of the vehicles they allegedly vandalized in the Clifton neighborhood in Bristol, England, was a Tesla. They slashed the electric SUV's tires and left the same 'Your Gas Guzzler Kills' flyer on the windshield.As the BBC notes, the headline of this flyer reads "Caution:Your gas guzzler kills".The leaflets left on vehicles whose tires have been deflated or punctured read as follows: "We deflated one or more of your tires. We did this because driving around in your SUV has huge consequences. SUVs are the second biggest cause of the increase in CO2 emissions over the last decade, more than the aviation sector. SUVs cause more air pollution in your neighborhood than smaller cars. SUVs are also more likely to kill people in crashes."

VEHICLE OWNER DID NOT UNDERSTAND THE REASON The owner told the BBC that he found the incident "a bit funny" but also felt "slightly violated", saying: "It's ironic because I was trying to make an environmentally conscious choice by buying an electric car. This is ridiculous and quite disturbing. I understand the motivation behind [climate activism], but I don't see the point of it."

Speaking to the BBC, the group emphasized that hybrid and electric cars are fair because "there are not enough rare earth metals to replace everyone's car, and these metals are very difficult to extract." In addition, they pointed out the "danger to other road users" and even mentioned the pollution caused by tires and brake pads. With this action, the group has also highlighted that some models of electric cars are more environmentally friendly than others. With their higher engine power and weight, models that travel the same distance using more electricity can also be targeted.