
Black hole opened in the Sun emits radiation to Earth!


A dark hole has opened in the Sun's surface and is recorded spewing powerful streams of unusually fast radiation, known as the solar wind, toward Earth.

Scientists said the size and orientation of the transient black hole, which is wider than 60 Earths, is unprecedented at this stage of the solar cycle. 800 THOUSAND KILOMETERS WIDE The giant dark hole, known as a coronal hole, formed near the equator of the Sun on December 2 and reached a maximum width of about 800,000 kilometers within 24 hours, Live Science reported. It was noted that the black hole that opened on the sun has been heading directly towards the Earth since December 4.

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), coronal holes occur when the magnetic fields holding the sun in place suddenly open, causing the contents of the sun's upper surface to flow away in the form of the solar wind.

Coronal holes appear as dark spots because they are cooler and less dense than the plasma around them. This makes sunspots appear black, but unlike sunspots, coronal holes are invisible unless viewed in ultraviolet light. GEOMAGNETIC STORMS According to NOAA, radiation streams from coronal holes are much faster than the normal solar wind and often trigger disturbances in Earth's magnetic shielding, known as geomagnetic storms. SOLAR WIND LESS VIOLENT THAN EXPECTED Experts initially also predicted that this latest hole could cause a moderate geomagnetic storm that could disrupt radio and internet connections and trigger strong auroral displays over the next few days. But because the solar wind has been less violent than expected, the resulting storm has so far been weak. According to NOAA, it is unclear how long the black hole will remain in the sun, but past coronal holes have lasted 27 days.