
Big earthquake in China!


According to the Chinese agency Xinhua, a 6.2-magnitude tremor occurred one minute before midnight yesterday, with the epicenter in Cishishan Baoan Donshiang and Salar Autonomous County. According to preliminary estimates, 100 people died in Gansu province and 11 in neighboring Qinghai province.

Chinese President Xi Jinping has called for urgent search and rescue efforts and ordered the necessary arrangements to be made to ensure the safety of life and property of citizens affected by the earthquake.

Eyewitnesses reported that many houses, roads and infrastructure in the region were damaged after the earthquake, and there were power and water cuts in many villages in the district.

Local meteorological units predict that the air temperature in the region will drop to minus 10 degrees Celsius today. EARTHQUAKE ZONE The region, located on a wide fault line in the extension of the Himalayan Mountains, is one of the places in China where major earthquakes are frequent. At least 93 people were reported to have lost their lives in a 6.8-magnitude earthquake in the southern province of Sichuan in September 2022. The 7.9-magnitude earthquake in Sichuan province in 2008 caused great destruction and nearly 90 thousand people lost their lives.