
Beware if the sebaceous gland is like this: Don't underestimate an ordinary sebaceous gland!


Sometimes it appears on the wrist, sometimes on the abdomen, arms, back, neck... It can turn into a giant appearance from the head of a pin to the size of a walnut or even over 10 centimeters...

WRONG: EVERYONE GETS SEBACEOUS GLANDS, IT'S NORMAL! TRUTH: The approach that 'it is a common problem that can be seen in everyone's body' is one of the most dangerous and false beliefs in society. Not every swelling that we can see and touch from the outside may be a sebaceous gland. These lesions can be benign masses such as fibroma, hemangioma and nodular fasciitis, as well as highly aggressive, malignant tumors and cancers called sarcomas, which can be life-threatening if not treated in time.

FALSE: IF THERE IS NO PAIN, IT IS A SIMPLE SEBACEOUS GLAND! TRUTH: Sebaceous glands are painless, but depending on their size, they can compress the surrounding vascular and nerve structures, leading to complaints and findings that can cause pain, numbness and even loss of movement. In addition, some subtypes of sebaceous glands called 'spindle cell tumor' or 'angiolipoma', which are rare tumors, can cause pain spontaneously.

FALSE: CAN BE REMOVED WITHOUT BIOPSY CORRECT The belief that all superficial masses in the body can be removed by any doctor without appropriate imaging methods is not true and can cause serious harm. Unfortunately, almost half of the patients admitted to the orthopedic oncology clinic are patients with a malignant tumor called sarcoma, which was thought to be a 'simple sebaceous gland' without appropriate imaging and biopsy elsewhere! Inappropriately performed initial surgery makes secondary surgery difficult and threatens the patient's life by increasing the recurrence rate." In order to prevent such incidents, imaging methods should be applied and biopsy should be performed with the appropriate technique under appropriate conditions in suspected cases. In addition, the person performing the biopsy should be competent to perform tumor surgery and it should be performed under the management of a multidisciplinary team.