
Be careful when eating chicken: You could lose your life!


Chicken is one of the foods that most people love to eat. However, consuming spoiled chicken causes bacteria called 'salmonella' to poison our body. For this reason, it is important to pay attention to freshness when buying chicken.

Chicken is among the most consumed foods that people of all ages love to eat. Whether boiled or baked, all kinds of chicken dishes are delicious and beneficial. However, one of the factors we should pay attention to when eating chicken is that the chicken is fresh. Unfortunately, non-fresh chicken can cause poisoning. There are practical ways to tell if a chicken is fresh or not. You should definitely pay attention to these tricks when buying chicken in order not to get poisoned and to benefit from its flavor. Here are those signs indicating the freshness of the chicken...

The first thing to look for to know if a chicken is fresh is its color. Fresh chicken is bright and pink. If the color of the chicken is greenish gray, dull and pale, that chicken is stale.

Another factor you need to look at to understand the freshness of the chicken is to look at its texture. The texture of fresh chicken is firm. The texture of stale chicken is soft. Therefore, avoid buying chicken with a soft texture.

The last thing you should pay attention to is the smell. Chicken has its own acidic and natural odor. Stale chicken, on the other hand, has a bad and strange smell. Be sure to consider these 3 factors the next time you buy chicken.