
Be careful if you have this symptom in your eyes: It could be an indication that your blood vessels are blocked!


It is important to pay attention to the symptoms that indicate that high cholesterol is a life-threatening condition. Symptoms of high cholesterol usually appear late, so it is important to pay attention to any signs. Here are the symptoms of high cholesterol that we don't realize...

Having high cholesterol means that you have too much of a fatty substance called cholesterol in your blood. This is because cholesterol builds up in the arteries and causes blockages, preventing blood from passing through.If left untreated, this can lead to serious medical conditions such as heart attacks and strokes.

However, high cholesterol can remain a "hidden" risk as it typically does not present with symptoms, explains the British Heart Foundation (BHF): "There are often no symptoms of high cholesterol. "It is often a hidden risk factor, meaning it can progress without us knowing about it until it's too late. "That's why it's so important to get your cholesterol levels checked." In some cases, however, a person may notice three symptoms caused by high cholesterol in their body.

They usually only occur if a person has familial hypercholesterolemia, which means that your high cholesterol is inherited as opposed to lifestyle factors. They can appear in your knuckles, knees, ankles or eyes.

TENDON XANTHOMAS These are "cholesterol-induced swellings" that can appear in the joints of your hands, knees or the Achilles tendon behind your ankle. CHOLESTERELASMS Xanthelasms are "tiny, yellow lumps of cholesterol" located near the inner corner of your eye.