
Axl Rose charged with sexual assault and battery!


Retired model Sheila Kennedy sued Guns N' Roses frontman Axl Rose for sexual assault and battery. In her complaint, Kennedy alleged that Rose assaulted her in a New York hotel room in 1989. The complaint alleged that retired model Sheila Kennedy was diagnosed with anxiety and depression as a result of the assault. Lawyers for Guns N' Roses frontman Axl Rose did not respond to requests for comment.

COMPENSATION CLAIM Sheila Kennedy demanded that Axl Rose pay damages for intentional infliction of pain and suffering, emotional distress and gender-motivated violence. According to BBC Turkish; Sheila Kennedy's lawyers asked for the case to be decided by a jury. The appeal to the New York State Supreme Court was filed just days before the expiration of a law that allows victims of sexual assault to sue regardless of the original statute of limitations.

ALLEGATIONS OF PHYSICAL AND SEXUAL ASSAULT Sheila Kennedy said in her complaint that in early 1989, when she was 26 and a model, she met Axl Rose at a nightclub in New York City. She alleged that Rose physically and sexually assaulted her a few hours later in the hotel suite where she was staying. According to the complaint, Axl Rose invited Sheila Kennedy and another model to use alcohol and drugs in the hotel room. "MY OPINION OF HIM CHANGED AS THE NIGHT PROGRESSED" Sheila Kennedy emphasized that she didn't mind Axl Rose kissing her at first, but as the night progressed, her views on the famous rocker changed. Kennedy said that she then witnessed Rose having an affair with another model. Sheila Kennedy then claimed that Axl Rose physically assaulted her in an argument.

According to the complaint; Axl Rose grabbed Sheila Kennedy by the hair and tried to take her to the suite's bedroom. Kennedy claimed that she tried to leave the room, but Rose refused to allow her to do so and sexually assaulted her. Sheila Kennedy had first reported these alleged incidents in her autobiography written in 2016 and in a documentary about harassment in the music industry.