
Avoid these foods if you don't want to lose sleep at night!


Food is one of the causes of insomnia. According to recent research, certain foods can cause restlessness and insomnia during the night. In addition to caffeine-containing products such as coffee and chocolate, spicy and fatty foods can also affect nighttime sleep. It is important to be careful when consuming these sleep-inducing foods for a more comfortable night's sleep. It is important to keep your caffeine intake under control for a better sleep. Here are 6 foods that cause insomnia at night...

DARK CHOCOLATE Especially dark chocolate contains high amounts of caffeine. A slice of dark chocolate can contain 30-40 mg of caffeine. Milk chocolate, on the other hand, will have a higher sugar content; therefore, it is not recommended to consume both close to bedtime.

CARBONATED DRINKS Cola and other carbonated drinks are rich in caffeine. A can of cola contains about 30-40 mg of caffeine. Other caffeinated sodas include energy drinks such as Red Bull

ICE CREAM Some types of ice cream, especially coffee and chocolate, contain caffeine. You may want to choose a non-coffee flavored ice cream because some coffee ice creams can contain over 50 mg of caffeine in just two scoops. But this doesn't only apply to coffee-flavored ice cream. Chocolate ice cream can also contain the stimulant caffeine.

PUDING Pudding is probably the most obviously caffeinated dessert because it contains coffee, but any dessert that also contains dark chocolate will also contain some caffeine. Choosing a chocolate pie or a dark chocolate soufflé, for example, is bound to disturb your sleep at night.

PANNEL SUGAR After-dinner mints can be a refreshing option, but they can sometimes contain caffeine. The mint itself does not contain caffeine, but it is worth checking the label as some sweetened mints may contain some caffeine.

SOME DRUGS Some medicines, such as painkillers and cold medicines, may contain caffeine.

Tips to Reduce Caffeine Consumption: - Avoid caffeinated drinks in the evening. - Choose decaffeinated coffee and tea alternatives. -Check food labels for caffeine content. -Drink enough water. -Exercise regularly. -Pay attention to your sleep hygiene.